Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round

Don't you just hate it when you get yourself all pumped up to do some get ready, you get amped and then you sit down to tackle the monumental task before you and......

Nothing happens..

Yeah, I've been sitting here now, for about an hour and nothing is happening..I drew a little bit of a decal I promised an internet friend but nothing substantial and nothing motivating..I mean, I think I have a nice solid one page teaser for Atlas Unlimited Comics..Which, at this point, I'm not going to jinx by mentioning...other than Mark Mazz seems to be willing to put up with me and my act for a little while.
And I should take the time to thank Shawnti Therrien, who seems to be a one woman wrecking crew when it comes to working to get a comic out there. I met Shawnti a few years ago now through Dimestore Publishing's Small Press Idol, where she and I were contestants in a terribly slanted contest to see who would get a small press comic book deal through Dimestore. I think an eleven year old kid with no true polished ability to draw or write but had a class room full of votes won the contest. It was a sobering and humbling experience when I got voted out early in the contest, but then again...I've never been a big contest person cause well....I don't like to lose.

But anyway..You could say, if it wasn't for that contest, I would have never run into Shawnti Therrien. And I'll be's been a constant 1,000 mph rollercoaster the whole way since I've come to know her. She's all sorts of crazy, but I think the distance between us topographically keeps me safe from her showing up on my doorstep at four in the morning covered in blood and staring blankley forward with a knife, quietly mummuring something about a deadline.
With all the craziness, she's actually convinced me that I can do a comic. And maybe I won't fall flat on my face doing it...


  1. you won't fall flat on your face... you'll fall on me cause I'm down here with the stupid pompoms.... so... umm.... I know that the cute perky cheerleader thing works for some people but... I'll stick with my knife and blood. :)

  2. you two are the scary version of frankie and wishes to you guys getting this story out there. i'm waiting......
